First world problems

Tuesday to Friday evening. Just under four days worth of being on the outside looking in but not being able to see much because the curtains are drawn. What I do know are scraps that I've picked up simply from the quick browse or glance to a television. I've hardly been on the moon. Travel and work combined with ridiculously early starts thanks to my daughter deciding that 4am wake up screams is the new fad. In amongst all the unavoidable life obstacles and sleep deprivation I've also had to deal with this little olde blog and migrating it from one platform to a more polished newer version. And here it is. I hope you like it. It's the same host as before but there's a wealth of new features (behind the scenes and one or two subtle ones staring back at ya). Brand new templates have basically allowed me to strip it all back to a truly minimalistic feel. No clutter. Hopefully just fanciful words about Spurs and our progressive march forward (hiccups included).

However, it's not been a painless experience. Due to a misunderstanding (something lost in translation akin to a Ramos shout from the dugout) I managed to balls up the feed that supplies the podcasts (via The Fighting Cock) to itunes. You'd think Apple what with all their slick phones and tablets they'd have managed to produce software that is intuitive enough to perhaps cater for people that wish to update their rss  feed. Alas no. It's pretty much like seeking out the Ark of the Covenant.  There are instructions online but they are bloated out with code and tags and methodology that is ancient when compared to the rest of the internet. There's an app for everything but not this it seems.

If you're wondering, the rss feed syndicates content. In my case, I post a podcast, the rss feed updates, then it tells itunes and it appears there for people to subscribe and download. The feed has changed and can't be changed back so it's currently not accessible.

So can I update the feed via Apple / itunes support? Nope. Can I submit a request to have it updated? Nope. Is there an option within itunes to update it? Nope. Basically, working your way through itunes is like taking a horse and carriage through the busy streets of modern day London. It's going to take an absolute age and they'll be plenty of sh*t along the way.

I've had to resubmit the podcast itself to itunes using a brand new feed. You can still access all pods via The Fighting Cock or stream them via this website. Click on 'The Fighting Cock podcast' on the menu above to the right hand side for all of season 2 thus far.

Doesn't get any better. This is also the first time ever that I haven't purchased Football Manager <insert year> either before release or on the day of release thanks to the amount of time spent with the blog migration and the itunes nightmare and work and so on. I think I must be having a breakdown again.

As for actual real life football. That thing, Tottenham and the stuff they do with a ball. I only know this thanks to my lack of social media (because let's face it, 90% of what I know any other given week comes from social media. You read it on social media then you seek out a news report about it...perhaps this is why I'm void of knowledge at the moment):

Serbia are trying to dick Caulker.

Dembele might be crocked until Xmas.

Winning 1-0 away to Norwich, bossing it, then we lose 2-1 with around 6 minutes to left and somewhere in there we miss a penalty and both their goals were 'avoidable' (or at the very least one was and the other was lucky/unlucky).

Bale scored with his right foot.

Falque was decent.

Adebayor might or might be available for this weekend (I'm just making that up).

I think that's it.

Shame about the League Cup. It's not something anyone truly takes seriously any more but you can't dispute that if you play someone very decent you'll be up for it simply because it's against someone very decent. Seems our half and half side was perhaps too casual during the week? I don't know. I hope so. We'll bounce back.

If the cup result wasn't a shock, earlier in the week I found out that this blog has a Kindle app available on Amazon. Probably relevant back in the day on the early editions but out dated now what with the way Kindle tech has developed. Begs the question...when and how did that happen? I don't ever remember or don't even know what process that would have required to set that up. Was I drunk that evening? And if so, why didn't I simply wake up next to a traffic cone instead?

I feel better now. I should be back up and running soon. So first world problems aside. Anyone fancy us against Wigan?

blogger, podcaster, lucid dreamer



cold turkey